President's Message

HQI President’s Message

Earlier this month, California reached a milestone that at many times throughout the course of the past year might have seemed unattainable. The state has now “reopened” for business, retiring the color-coded tier system and relaxing social distancing and capacity restrictions. After more than 15 months of numerous public health orders, three surges of cases, countless mask and gown changes along with many sleepless nights, the COVID-19 pandemic has finally given us a little bit of breathing room.  

While many office workers retreated to their homes, and students replaced whiteboards with Zoom, health care heroes confronted the pandemic head on. Through one surge after another you were there — caring for a steady stream of COVID-19 patient after patient.  

For our selfless health care workers, we know it’s not always easy to put yourselves first. But now that we have put the full force of the pandemic behind us, it is important to focus on your own well-being. This may have been a once-in-a-century pandemic, but the threat of other disasters always looms large, and we must be prepared for future health crises. Step back, relax where and when you can, and pay attention to the important things in your life. After the many, many months spent caring for others, it’s time to take better care of yourself and your loved ones.  
