HQI Cares: Implementing BETA HEART®

HQI has partnered with BETA Healthcare Group to offer HQI Cares: Implementing BETA HEART®, the premier program to help hospitals build a culture of safety, improve response to harm, and care for the caregivers.

BETA HEART (healing, empathy, accountability, resolution and trust) is a coordinated program that helps organizations create a reliable, sustainable and transparent culture of safety.

Creating such a culture is a multi-year process and often requires changes throughout the organization. As the industry leader in promoting organization-wide culture transformation, BETA HEART will assist your hospital to:

  • Develop accountable and reliable systems that support provision of safe care;
  • Support and value all members of the health care delivery team;
  • Develop empathic and clinically appropriate processes that support healing of both the patient and clinician after an adverse event;
  • Develop mechanisms for early, ethical resolution of harm caused by medical error or inappropriate care; and
  • Instill trust between clinicians and patients.

For more information contact Boris Kalanj, HQI’s Director of Programs at bkalanj@hqinstitute.org

BETA HEART is an interactive and collaborative program comprised of five individual and closely integrated domains — essential components of the culture of safety and transparency.

Domains are introduced through distinct workshops attended by key individuals from participating hospitals. After each workshop, our program team will work with your organization to develop a plan and provide you with customized support as you progress through domain implementation. 

Participation Timeline

BETA HEART One-Page Brief

BETA HEART Guideline

The journey begins with 3 steps:

  • Execute a participation agreement
  • Complete a readiness assessment
  • Complete a gap analysis

Contact Boris Kalanj, HQI’s Director of Programs at bkalanj@hqinstitute.org

The value of BETA HEART is explained by three CEOs who have experienced the program first-hand:

John Fankhauser, MD
President/CEO, Ventura County Medical Center

Donna J. Hefner, RN, BSN, MSHS, CPHRM
President/CEO, Sierra View Medical Center

Lawrence E. Lewis
President/CEO, Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District

HQI’s 5-part Webinar Series: Building Safety Culture and Strengthening Hospital Safety Systems

HQI is hosting a series of 5 virtual programs to explore the 5 domains of HQI Cares/BETA HEART and their alignment with the CMS Patient Safety Structural Measure.

To learn more and to register, CLICK HERE

“This program is invaluable to our system.”

Dr. John Fankhauser, CEO, Ventura County Medical Center

Message From Our Leaders

See the Informational Webinar!

A limited time offer: complimentary Patient Safety Gap Analysis