Advancing Innovation: Embracing AI’s Role in Patient Safety.
The journey to zero-harm care must leverage new technologies in the service of patient safety. Artificial intelligence stands poised to bring significant change to health care – the ability to diagnose conditions earlier, to bridge language barriers, to revolutionize telehealth and discharge experiences, and more. It also raises equity and ethics questions.
With great potential comes great responsibility.
Join us as we explore the possibilities and challenges California hospitals face in deploying artificial intelligence. Hear from thought leaders and practitioners on the cutting edge how AI is already at work in health care, and where some of the greatest opportunities lie.
The information is critical, the location stunning, and the chance to connect with peers is not to be missed.
Scheduled keynote speakers:
- Gurpreet Dhaliwal, MD — Univ. of Calif. San Francisco Clinician/National AI in Health Care Expert
- Diana Nyad — International Long-Distance Swimming Champion/Hall of Famer
- Stephen Shedletzky — Author of Speak-Up Culture: When Leaders Truly Listen, People Step Up
- Dennis Chornenky — Chief AI Advisor, UC Davis Health
- Sara Murray, MD — Chief Health AI Officer, UC San Francisco Health
- Karandeep Singh, MD — Chief Health AI Officer, UC San Diego Health
Who Should Attend:
Hospital and health care system CEO, CFO, Chief Medical Officer, Chief Nursing Officer, Patient Safety Executives and Frontline Quality Improvement Managers.
Hospital Council Leadership Summit
1:00 – 2:30 p.m. | Keynote | Speak-Up Culture: When Leaders Truly Listen, People Step Up (non-certified session)
Stephen Shedletzky
Stephen Shedletzky (“Shed”) helps organizations create a workplace environment where open and transparent communication is valued and actively encouraged. His book, Speak-Up Culture: When Leaders Truly Listen, People Step Up, has been called “a transformative guide that empowers leaders to foster environments where listening ignites action.” Shed motivates with engaging stories and lays out the steps for implementing a culture that empowers employees to voice their thoughts, ideas, concerns, and feedback. It’s a journey that leads to hospital cultures that are safer, more innovative, more engaged, and better-performing than their peers.
2:30 – 3:00 p.m. | Exhibitor Engagement
3:00 – 4:30 p.m. | Keynote | AI at Work in the UC Health System, followed by CEO Panel
Dennis Chornenky, Chief AI Advisor, UC Davis Health; Sara Murray, MD, Chief Health AI Officer, UC San Francisco Health; Karandeep Singh, MD, Chief Health AI Officer, UC San Diego Health
Not only is Artificial Intelligence coming to health care, it’s here and making tremendous impacts! Hear leaders from the UC Health System discuss how AI is integrating process flows, changing the patient experience, and providing much-needed resource relief. Speakers will also discuss AI governance and how technology being implemented today may set the stage for further advancements. Hear the challenging questions that accompany AI implementations and take home lessons from cutting edge.
4:30 – 6:00 p.m. | Reception
*Agenda subject to change.
7:45 – 8:30 a.m. | Breakfast, Networking and Exhibitor Viewing
8:30 – 9:00 a.m. | Opening Remarks
9:00 – 10:00 a.m. | Opening Keynote Session | AI @ Health Care … and @ You
Gurpreet Dhaliwal, MD, Professor of Medicine, University of California San Francisco
You’ve heard about AI, but how consistently are you using it? Are you willing to learn from it? In this session, Dr. Dhaliwal will use stories and case studies to illustrate what AI can and can’t do in health care, why we will always need human intelligence, and why the change curve, not the hype curve, is what matters most for health care providers.
10:00 – 10:30 a.m. | Exhibitor Viewing
10:30 – 11:30 a.m. | Concurrent Breakout Sessions (choose one)
- AI Enablement of Telehealth and Behavioral Health (AI)
Rebecca Messing Haigler, MPH, MBA, CEO, Noe Strategic Advisors & Fellow, The Kennedy Forum
The great promise of AI in health care may be actualized in providing clinicians much-needed resource relief while expanding patient reach and community engagement. See how advances in AI are being applied to telehealth and behavioral health, how patients and hospitals are both benefiting, and how existing AI applications may become the building blocks for promising future possibilities. - Leveraging AI to Minimize Hospital Revisits and Readmissions for Septic Shock and Sepsis (Data)
Aaron Koll, Data Scientist and Scott Masten, PhD, Vice President, Performance Analytics, HQI
In this session, we will explore newly developed metrics by HQI designed to monitor and analyze septic shock and sepsis revisits and readmissions. Specifically, we will cover 30-Day All-Cause Septic Shock and Sepsis (SEP-3) Readmissions and Missed Sepsis Opportunities (MSOs) – cases where patients with septic shock or sepsis (SEP-3) were discharged or had emergency department visits within the previous 30 days that did not address sepsis. The session will primarily focus on the outcomes of various AI modeling techniques aimed at understanding the reasons behind these readmissions and revisits, and discuss potential strategies for reducing them in the future. - Beyond Fiduciary Duty: Governing Safety & Quality in Health Care (General)
Lee Erickson, MD, LSSMBB, Chief Executive Officer, Adaptient, LLC
Are you struggling to get your leaders to commit to high reliability? Does it feel like financial reports overshadow safety and quality – until a serious event occurs? Many senior leaders and board members feel more at ease with the CFO’s spreadsheets than with data on clinical care. Learn strategies to capture their attention and enhance their skills in governing safety and quality. Discover how to effectively engage your executives and board members in leading the journey toward zero harm. - Nursing’s Blockbuster Moment: Building the Profession of the Future (Workforce)
Dan Weberg, PhD, MHI, BSN, RN, FAAN, Executive Director, Nursing Workforce Development and Innovation, Kaiser Permanente
Retaining good nurses has become increasingly difficult and the nursing profession itself stands at a crossroads. Nurse leaders should embrace disruption in the industry and prepare for a future where typical med/surge bed requirements fade to the past. Listen as Dr. Weberg discusses the forces driving changes in nursing, defines key traits innovative leaders must embody, and explores the role of culture in implementing innovation solutions.
11:30 – 11:45 a.m. | Break
11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. | Concurrent Breakout Sessions (choose one)
- AI Applications for Providers and Medical Imaging (AI)
Ken Su, Sr. Outbound Product Manager, Cloud Applied AI, Google LLC
With so much talk over AI and its potential for providers and medical imaging the past few years, this session will focus on early success stories and what might a path may look like as we continue expanding on AI. See how AI has not only helped with administrative tasks to date, but also with complicated imaging tasks that the human eye may miss. Hear guidance around overcoming implementation challenges, and how to utilize AI and imaging today to improve patient quality and outcomes. - Emerging Programs, Data Resources, and Measures for Hospitals (Data)
Chris Krawczyk, PhD, Chief Analytics Officer, HCAI
Dr. Krawczyk will discuss the California Department of Healthcare Access and Information (HCAI) Healthcare Payments Data Program (HPD), health care workforce, and Hospital Equity Measures data and analytics programs, and conduct live demonstrations of HCAIs interactive data visualizations. He will identify publicly available data products focusing on newly released HPD data and products, SDoH, health disparities, and health workforce information. - Journey to Highly Reliable Care (General)
Allan Frankel, MD, Managing Principal, Vizient, Inc.
The data is in, there are definite correlations between organizational culture and patient outcomes! Addressing staff burnout really does save lives. Attend this session and see how your hospital’s safety culture measures up, learn how to use metrics to mitigate risk, and take home strategies for using unit-level learning systems to elevate quality. Great for leaders and frontline managers. - C-Suite Perspective: Investing in a Culture of Safety (Workforce)
Al Duke, M.B.A., B.S.N., RN, CPHRM, CEN, CPPS, Director, Risk Management and Patient Safety, BETA Healthcare Group (Moderator)
Establishing a culture of safety comes with a cost – is it worth it? How do successful organizations overcome implementation challenges? How are patient outcomes and staff retention affected? Hear hospital leaders discuss the secret to securing key stakeholder buy-in, share insights on realizing unexpected benefits, and talk about the bottom-line returns from investing in safety.
12:45 – 1:45 p.m. | Hosted Luncheon
1:45 – 2:45 p.m. | Concurrent Breakout Sessions (choose one)
- Strengths and Limitations of AI in Health Care (AI)
Vinay K. Prasad, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of California San Francisco
Understanding what AI can and cannot do is critical to successful AI implementations in health care, as is asking the right underlying questions. During this session, Dr. Prasad will layout the groundwork for setting realistic expectations for AI applications in health care and demonstrate why knowing its limitations may be the key to success. - Will AI Alleviate or Exacerbate Burnout in Healthcare? (Data)
Joshua Proulx, Principal for Data Science & Member Insights, Vizient, Inc.
AI has the potential to both increase and alleviate burnout in health care professionals – the key lies in understanding AI’s effects on workload, stress, and job satisfaction. Attend this session and learn how AI may impact relationships within healthcare teams and walk away with practical approaches to minimize AI’s negative effects on burnout while enhancing its potential to support health care workers. - Delivering Quality with Strained Budgets – A Panel Discussion (General)
Featuring Clint Purvance, MD, CEO, Barton Health; Robert Imhoff (Moderator)
Rural hospitals facing significant financial and workforce retention challenges must be creative, innovative, and persistent in their commitment to elevating quality. Hear from leaders at our host hospital as they share steps they have taken to ensure patient safety remains a top priority amid shifting budget concerns. Lessons learned will focus on the rural hospital experience and also apply to urban facilities. - Identifying and Protecting Patients at Risk for Violence (Workforce)
Lynda Enos, RN, BSN, MS, COHN-S, CPE, Certified Professional Ergonomist, HumanFit, LLC
Metrics proven to help identify patients at risk for violence and strategies to protect those patients? Yes, to both! See how to leverage evidence-based tools to assess risk and proven steps you can take to mitigate workplace violence threats. Ms. Enos also will discuss the pros and cons of different approaches to keeping staff informed about patient-safety threats.
2:45 – 3:00 p.m. | Exhibitor Viewing & Raffle
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. | Closing Keynote Session | Never, Ever Give Up
Diana Nyad
At age 60, Hall of Fame swimmer Diana Nyad began planning for her white whale of distance swims: the 110-mile ocean crossing between Cuba and Florida. She’d tried it in her 20s, and severe jellyfish attacks had defeated her. With a new commitment and respect for what it takes to build a high-performing team, she accomplished this incredible feat 30 years after she first tried. In this moving conversation, Diana shows us that it is never too late to chase our dreams and shares the key steps we all need to take in order to accomplish our goals, no matter how big.
Dennis Chornenky, MBA, MPH, MS
Chief AI Advisor
UC Davis Health
Dennis Chornenky is a former senior advisor and strategy consultant in artificial intelligence (AI) and emerging technology for the White House, has been named the first chief AI advisor to UC Davis Health. Chornenky, with his consulting and technology firm, Domelabs AI, is leading efforts to establish an AI strategy and governance framework that ensures the UC Davis health system’s approach to AI is safe and ethical. He also assures all AI efforts meet emerging regulatory compliance standards.
Dr. Gurpreet Dhaliwal (Keynote Speaker)
Dr. Gurpreet Dhaliwal is a clinician-educator and Professor of Medicine at the University of California San Francisco. He sees patients and teaches medical students and residents in the emergency department, inpatient wards, and outpatient clinic at the San Francisco VA Medical Center, where he directs the internal medicine clerkship. Dr. Dhaliwal studies, writes, and speaks about how doctors think – how they make diagnoses, how they develop diagnostic expertise, and how they interface with technology to augment their thinking. He is a nationally acclaimed expert on artificial intelligence in health care.
Lynda Enos, RN, BSN, MS, COHN-S, CPE
Certified Professional Ergonomist
HumanFit, LLC
Ms. Enos is a certified occupational health nurse and certified professional ergonomist with over 30 years of experience in industrial and health care ergonomics and safety including prevention of workplace violence. Ms. Enos has developed and deployed a comprehensive toolkit for prevention of violence in health care. She holds an undergraduate degree in nursing and a graduate degree in human factors/ergonomics from the University of Idaho.
Lee Erickson, MD, LSSMBB
Chief Executive Officer
Adaptient, LLC
Dr. Erickson has over 25 years of experience working to improve the delivery of patient care. Prior to creating Adaptient, LLC, she served in executive roles at Tufts Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and the University of Pennsylvania Health System. She is a Lean Sigma Six Master Black Belt and has extensive expertise in quality and patient safety, process improvement methodologies, and health care transformation. She advises executive teams and boards on how to evolve their management operating models into adaptive systems that can meet the complexity of 21st-century health care.
Allan Frankel, MD
Managing Principal
Vizient Inc.
Dr. Frankel is an internationally recognized high reliability expert with a deep focus on leadership and culture change. Over his career he has practiced pediatric, general, and cardiac anesthesia in community and urban settings, and held senior executive positions in the Harvard healthcare systems. Dr. Frankel has been an active clinical researcher and has assessed more than 1000 organizations and trained and certified more than 5000 healthcare leaders and managers in safety and reliability.
Robert Imhoff (Conference Host)
Hospital Quality Institute (HQI)
Robert Imhoff, President of the Hospital Quality Institute, has held positions of responsibility within the health care, non-profit and higher education fields. Mr. Imhoff currently serves on the executive committee of the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative, the Board of Cal Hospital Compare and Alliance for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (AQIPS). He is a staunch patient safety advocate.
Aaron Koll
Data Scientist
Hospital Quality Institute
Aaron Koll has more than 20 years of experience leveraging advanced analytical techniques to find useful insights in data. With 4 years of hospital focused health care experience, Aaron is currently a Data Scientist for the Hospital Quality Institute. In this role, Aaron collaborates closely with hospitals to help craft and track new quality metrics and applies artificial intelligence techniques to data to provide perspective on the latest trends affecting hospitals.
Christopher Krawczyk, PhD
Chief Analytics Officer
California Department of Health Care Access and Information
Dr. Christopher Krawczyk is Chief Analytics Officer with the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI), Information Services Division. Dr. Krawczyk oversees strategic direction for analyses of health care quality, outcomes, utilization, and cost. Dr. Krawczyk also oversees data services and facilitates stakeholder engagement to increase the usefulness and impact of HCAI data products.
Scott Masten, PhD
Vice President, Measurement Science & Performance Analytics
Hospital Quality Institute (HQI)
In his work for HQI, Dr. Masten focuses on improving health care data quality and reducing patient injury, including the development of both data intake and data analytics platforms. He does this by bringing over 20 years of applied research and data experience including teaching research methods and statistics courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Sara Murray, MD, MAS
Vice President, Chief Health AI Officer
UCSF Health
Sara Murray, MD, MAS, is Vice President, Chief Health AI Officer for UCSF Health. She also serves as Associate Chief Medical Information Officer for Inpatient Care at UCSF Health. She is Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine and Associate Chief for Health System Partnerships in the Division of Clinical Informatics and Digital Transformation (DoC-IT).
Diana Nyad (Keynote Speaker)
25 million people worldwide rooted for Diana Nyad as she reached the Florida shore on September 2, 2013, becoming the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida. Diana’s amazing record: 110.86 miles in 52 hours, 54 minutes, 18 seconds. A prominent sports journalist and uniquely inspiring public speaker, Diana has been inducted into the International Women’s Sports Hall of Fame and the International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame. She accompanied President Obama on his peace visit to Havana in 2014, and “NYAD”, a feature film based on Diana’s life, was released in fall 2023.
Vinay K. Prasad, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Vinay K. Prasad, MD is a hematologist-oncologist and Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California San Francisco. He runs the VKPrasad lab at UCSF, which studies cancer drugs, health policy, clinical trials and better decision making. He is author of over 500 academic articles, and the books Ending Medical Reversal, and Malignant. He hosts the oncology podcast Plenary Session, and the general medicine podcast The VPZD Show.
Joshua Proulx
Informaticist and Healthcare Technologist
Joshua Proulx is an informaticist and healthcare technologist with expertise in bioinformatics, electrical engineering, and medical software. He has led pioneering projects such as developing one of the first wireless Bluetooth EKG sensors, building a clinical decision support system at TheraDoc, and creating NLP-based tools for analyzing medical records at the University of Utah. Joshua’s work has spanned cancer drug simulation, malaria research, and genomics platforms.
Stephen Shedletzky
“Shed” to his friends and author of Speak-Up Culture: When Leaders Truly Listen, People Step Up (October 2023) — helps leaders make it safe and worthwhile for people to speak up. He supports leaders who know they are both a part of the problems they experience and the solutions they can create. Shed has led hundreds of keynote presentations, workshops, and leadership development programs globally. As a thought leader on psychological safety in the workplace, he supports leaders and organizations in all industries where human beings work.
Karandeep Singh, MD
Chief health artificial intelligence (AI) officer
UC San Diego Health
Karandeep Singh, MD is the Joan and Irwin Jacobs Endowed Chair in Digital Health Innovation at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine and UC San Diego Health’s first chief AI officer. Dr. Singh is implementing changes that advance safety and health outcomes in acute and ambulatory settings, and is leading efforts to integrate AI into clinical workflows, reduce documentation time, and improve efficiencies and patient experiences.
Ken Su
Sr. Outbound Product Manager, Cloud Applied AI
Google LLC
Ken oversees the outbound Applied AI product portfolio for the healthcare industry. He is responsible for product growth and GTM strategy, and helps product teams tailor the latest AI innovations for provider, payer, and life science / med device organizations. Prior to Cloud, he worked on healthcare features in Google, he started at Google by applying early AI/ML research models in medical imaging, scribe, and Care Studio.
Dan Weberg, PhD, MHI, RN, FAAN
Executive Director, Nursing Workforce Development and Innovation
Kaiser Permanente
Dr. Dan Weberg is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and an expert in nursing, health care innovation and complex systems leadership. He has extensive clinical experience in emergency departments, acute in-patient hospital settings, and academia. Dan supports Kaiser Permanente as the Executive Director of Nursing Workforce Development and Innovation and has held leadership roles at KP in nursing innovation, research, and technology strategy.
Everline Resort and Spa
400 Squaw Creek Road
Olympic Valley, CA 96146
(530) 412-7034
Everline Resort and Spa has discounted rooms available starting at $234 plus $40 resort fee. For reservations, call (530) 412-7034 and mention the HQI and Hospital Council Annual Meeting. The deadline for discounted sleeping rooms is September 29 based on hotel availability. Click here to book online.
Early Bird Members: $249*
Early Bird Nonmembers: $1000*
*Early bird pricing expires on September 20, 2024.
Members: $279
Nonmembers: $1100
Members are: CHA member hospitals, members of HQI or CHPSO, and/or a member of an AQIPS PSO. Nonmembers are non-hospital health care providers, clinics, and post-acute facilities that serve hospitals.
Cancellation Policy
A $75 non-refundable processing fee will be retained for each cancellation. Cancellations must be made in writing seven or more days prior to the scheduled event and emailed to
No refunds will be given after these dates. Substitutions are encouraged. Cancellation and substitution notifications may be emailed to In the unlikely event that the program is cancelled, refunds will be issued to paid registrants within 30 days.
Special Accommodations or Questions: If you require special accommodations pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, or have other questions, please call (916) 552-7637.
| Opening Keynote Session | Transforming Lives: The Heart and Soul of Health Care
Presenter: Allison Massari
A Day at the Improv: Preparing for Critical Conversations After Harm
Presenter: Dr. Tim McDonald; Deanna Tarnow
Healing After Harm: How an Organization’s Response Impacts Patient and Family’s Ability to Heal After Medical Error
Panelists: Steve Burrows; Leilani Schweitzer; Jack Gentry
Resiliency Resources – Keys to Avoiding Caregiver Burnout
Presenter: Dr. Bryan Sexton
| Closing Keynote Session | Patient Safety and System Failures
Presenter: RaDonda Vaught
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The Hospital Quality Institute and Hospital Council would like to thank our 2024 annual conference sponsors!