Monday, October 3
4:30 – 6:00 p.m. | Reception with ocean views, music and light hors d’oeuvres (Poolside, Lobby Level)
Tuesday, October 4
7:30 – 8:30 a.m. | Check-in, Continental Breakfast, Exhibit Show and Poster Showcase (Regency Ballroom, 4th Floor)
8:30 – 8:45 a.m. | Welcome and Opening Comments (Regency Ballrooms ABC)
8:45 – 9:30 a.m. | Opening Keynote (Regency Ballrooms ABC)
Creating a Culture of Quality & Safety
Marty Makary, MD, MPH
International patient safety expert Dr. Makary has served in a leadership role at the United Nations World Health Organization, is a frequent medical commentator, and member of the National Academy of Medicine. In this program he will discuss why he is an advocate for transparency in medicine and common-sense solutions to healthcare’s problems, such as The Surgical Checklist, which he developed at Johns Hopkins, and which was popularized in Atul Gawande’s best-selling book “Checklist Manifesto.” He also will address key trends and offer insights on the future of the health care in California.
9:30 – 9:45 a.m. | Break (Regency Foyer)
Track 1: General Pt Safety | Pathway to Excellence: Framework for Continuous Learning (Beacon A)
Robert Moore, MD, MPH
Dr. Moore will discuss how structural flaws doom most quality improvement efforts, and share a framework proven to increase the success of quality improvement programs. He will address the five critical underpinnings of Pathways to Excellence and offers significant insights into how hospitals can make patient safety initiatives more effective.
Track 2: Joy in Practice | Avoiding Health Care Workforce Burnout (Beacon B)
Carrie Adair, PhD
Dr. Adair will share findings on well-being in health care and show how to implement strategies to help avoid burnout. She will share assessment metrics and tips for establishing institution-level approaches to workforce well-being. Attendees will come away better prepared to improve their well-being and the well-being of their teams.
Track 3: Data | Practical Applications of AI in Clinical Setting (Ballrooms DEF)
Pelu Tran, BS and Richard Friedland, MD
In this session, presenters will discuss the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms in providing a population-level safety net for medical errors and gaps in care. They also will address an ROI justification for AI quality systems and how to overcome challenges to implementing AI systems in quality improvement programs.
Track 4: Health Equity | The Impact of Explicit and Implicit Bias on Patient Safety (Regency Ballrooms ABC)
Michelle van Ryn, PhD, MPH
Over the past two decades, thousands of studies have demonstrated inequities in patient care and safety. Dr. van Ryn will share insights from these studies, describe implications for current approaches, and recommend evidence-driven strategies for accelerating progress towards high-quality, equitable health care and safety for all patients.
10:45 – 11:15 a.m. | Break, Visit Exhibitors (Regency Foyer)
Track 1: General Pt Safety | Street Medicine and Hospital Relationships (Beacon A)
Brett Feldman, MSPSAS, PA-C and Jehni Robinson, MD, FAAFP
People experiencing unsheltered homelessness have higher rates of morbidity and mortality, higher rates of acute healthcare services, and lower rates of engagement in primary care compared to the housed population. Hospitals struggle to place people experiencing unsheltered homelessness and ensure treatment continuity. This session will present strategies for that intersection.
Track 2: Joy in Practice | Pursuing Joy and Meaning in Practice: Accountable Professionals Supported by a Plan (Beacon B)
Gerald Hickson, MD
Dr. Hickson will discuss how disrespectful behaviors can undermine teamwork, hinder efforts to advance a safety culture, and lead to avoidable patient harm. He will explain how to identify problem behaviors and use the Vanderbilt Professionalism pyramid to address disrespect in the workplace, uphold professional accountability, and improve patient outcomes.
Track 3: Data | Emerging Programs, Data Resources and Measures for Hospitals (Ballrooms DEF)
Chris Krawczyk, PhD
In this session Dr. Krawczyk will present an overview of new HCAI programs, and current HCAI data and analytics capacities and products. He will also discuss forthcoming strategies, analytics and products that are resulting from direct engagement with hospitals and partners, including incorporating social drivers of health and cost data into future HCAI products.
Track 4: Health Equity | Cherished Futures for Black Moms and Babies (Regency Ballrooms ABC)
Karen Ochoa, CDP
Cherished Futures is a co-op working to reduce Black infant deaths and improve patient safety for Black families in Los Angeles County. Hear Ms. Ochoa discuss how the co-op employs strategies across three domains – clinical, institutional, and community – to elevate Black voices and thought leadership, and takeaway key lessons learned.
12:15 – 1:15 p.m. | Hosted Luncheon, Visit Exhibitors (Regency Ballroom ABC)
Track 1: General Pt Safety | Pathway to Excellence: Framework for Continuous Learning (Beacon A)
David Marx
In this session David Marx will discuss how to apply root cause analysis techniques to strengthen quality improvement programs. He will explain the importance of system design and the need to factor human decision-making into quality improvement processes, and discuss how to identify opportunities to prevent or reduce undesired outcomes.
Track 2: Joy in Practice | Caring for Our Own: Fundamentals of Creating an In-House Peer Support Program (Beacon B)
Heather Farley, MD, MHCDS, FACEP
Dr. Farley will describe the concept of health care provider as a “second victim” and show how peer support can help health care staff affected by traumatic events. This session will explore how support and empathic communication when providing emotional first aid to caregivers can become foundational to staff wellbeing.
Track 3: Data | Using Signal Detection to Reduce Harm (Ballrooms DEF)
Scott Masten, PhD
Data aberrations are usually considered a nuisance by analysts, but HQI’s Sentinel Signal Detection Systems convert data abnormalities into useful information. In this session Dr. Masten will discuss how HQI’s signal detection works to identify emerging trends to provide early hospital notification and ultimately decrease the risk of harm to patients.
Track 4: Health Equity | Journey to an Anti-Racism Organization (Regency Ballrooms ABC)
Andrea Turner, JD, MBA, CNMT, ACHE
In this session leaders from Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital will explain their comprehensive approach to building health care equity, including an innovative approach to measuring and addressing disparities at a departmental level. Presenters also will discuss efforts to integrate equity within the hospital’s work on community health.
2:15 – 2:30 p.m. | Break, Visit Exhibitors (Regency Foyer)
Track 1: General Pt Safety | CA Bridge Program (CANCELLED)
Aimee Moulin, MD
Dr. Moulin will discuss how medication-assisted treatment (MAT) can lead to more effective care and higher survival rates for patients struggling with substance abuse. She will cite recent studies and describe how the California Bridge Program has effectively reduced the risk of death and lowered hospital readmission rates for patients.
Track 2: Joy in Practice | Purpose and Building Better Teams (Beacon B)
Kris White, RN
Recent unprecedented uncertainty has brought greater focus to the question: How do we maintain a sense of purpose as we focus on our own health and safety? Kris White will share research findings, powerful case studies, and a proven framework to help organizations build programs, measure outcomes, and inspire change.
Track 3: Data | Using Advanced Analytics to Improve Patient Safety Event Report Analysis (Ballrooms DEF)
Raj Ratwani, PhD
Patient safety event reports often contain rich information that can help identify contributing factors to safety issues. However a manual review of reports if often required. This session will describe how computer science techniques and advanced analytic methods can support efficient and effective analysis that leads to actionable insights.
Track 4: Health Equity | No Safety Without Equity: Eliminating Errors in Diverse Populations (Regency Ballrooms ABC)
Joseph Betancourt, MD
Research has demonstrated that minorities suffer from medical errors with greater clinical consequences at higher rates than their white counterparts. This session will discuss the intersection between equity and patient safety, with a focus on strategies to eliminate errors in diverse populations and address the needs of limited-English proficiency patients.
3:30 – 4:00 p.m. | Break, Raffle Drawing (Regency Foyer)
4:00 – 5:00 p.m. | Closing Keynote | “Bleed Out” – A Patient Safety Journey in Progress (Regency Ballrooms ABC)
Steve Burrows
Steve Burrows is the writer/director/producer of the critically acclaimed HBO documentary “Bleed Out,” which details what happened when his mother went in for a routine partial hip replacement and came out in a coma with permanent brain damage. A Hollywood comedy director, Burrows used spy cams, courtroom testimony and expert interviews to create his award-winning film. He will share scenes from the film, insights on engaging care teams, and thoughts on how open communications can improve outcomes. Burrows will draw on his comedic background and harrowing personal story to highlight key takeaways from his patient safety journey.
Carrie Adair, PhD
Assistant Director of Well-being and Research
Duke Center for Healthcare Safety and Quality
Dr. Adair is a Social Psychologist by training with expertise in the areas of Healthcare Worker burnout and well-being. Her lines of research examine the psychology of well-being, tools to enhance resilience, institutional interventions to reduce and prevent burnout, well-being and safety culture metrics, interpersonal relationships, mindfulness, and improving safety culture.
Joseph Betancourt, MD, MPH
Senior Vice President, Equity and Community Health
Massachusetts General Hospital
Dr. Joseph Betancourt is the Senior Vice President, Equity and Community Health at Massachusetts General Hospital, and founder, senior advisor and faculty of the Disparities Solutions Center (DSC) at Mass General as well as a practicing Internal Medicine physician. He is a nationally and internationally recognized expert in health policy, health care disparities, diversity, and cross-cultural medicine.
Steve Burrows
Writer, Director, Producer
The Burrows of Hollywood, Inc.
Since becoming an advocate and power-of-attorney for my mother, who became comatose after a routine hip surgery, I’ve become a national leader in patient safety with particular emphasis on speaking for and telling the stories of the voiceless. I am also adjunct faculty for the Medstar Institute for Quality and Safety as well as the Academy for Emerging Leaders for Patient Safety.
Heather Farley, MD, MHCDS, FACEP
Chief Wellness Officer
Dr. Farley’s focus is on advancing the professional fulfillment and wellbeing of healthcare workers. She leads advocacy programs and initiatives aimed at optimizing the caregiver experience and fostering WorkLife meaning, connection, and joy. She currently oversees a team of dedicated and talented individuals who make the transformational work of ChristianaCare’s Center for WorkLife Wellbeing possible.
Brett Feldman, MSPAS, PA-C
USC Division of Street Medicine
Brett J. Feldman, MSPAS, PA-C, is the Director of Street Medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC and serves as the Vice Chair of the Street Medicine Institute. He has practiced homeless medicine for 11 years and founded three programs including the DeSales University Free Clinic, Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) Street Medicine in Allentown, PA, and recently at the USC Keck School of Medicine. He is a winner of the Pennsylvania Society of Physician Assistants Humanitarian of the Year Award, LVHN Walking on Water Award and Lehigh Valley Healthcare Hero Award.
Richard Friedland, MD
President/Managing Partner
Hudson Valley Radiologists/DRA Imaging
Dr. Friedland is a practicing neuroradiologist, licensed in both NYS and Connecticut. He’s been President / Managing Partner of his radiology group, Hudson Valley Radiologists / DRA Imaging since 2010. He is also the CEO of a startup company called Radloop, whose mission is patient safety by communicating and tracking actionable findings while reducing administrative tasks for radiologists and referrers.
Gerald Hickson
Joseph C. Ross Chair of Medical Education and Administration, Professor of Pediatrics, Founding Director of the Center for Patient and Professional Advocacy
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Since 1990, Dr. Hickson’s research has focused on why certain physicians attract a disproportionate share of malpractice claims, how disrespect impacts team performance and outcomes of care and how to identify and support high-risk clinicians. He serves as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). He also serves on the Board of Directors of the University of Southern California (USC) Health System and is a member of the International Regulatory Expert Advisory Group to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
Chris Krawcyzk, PhD
Chief Analytics Officer
Dr. Christopher Krawczyk is Chief Analytics Officer with the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI), Information Services Division. Dr. Krawczyk oversees strategic direction for analyses of healthcare quality, outcomes, utilization, and cost. Dr. Krawczyk also oversees data services and facilitates stakeholder engagement to increase the usefulness and impact of HCAI data products.
Marty Makary, MD, MPH
Chief of Islet Transplant Surgery
Johns Hopkins
A public health researcher, Dr. Makary leads efforts to improve the health of communities and focuses on the “re-design of health care” to make health care more reliable, holistic, and coordinated, especially for vulnerable populations. He leads national efforts to increase medical transparency and lower health care costs for everyday businesses and consumers.
David Marx
Just Culture
Formerly a Boeing aircraft design engineer, Mr. Marx won the International Federation of Airworthiness’s Whittle Safety Award for developing a human error investigation process used by airlines worldwide. In the health care sector, Mr. Marx continues to help health care institutions and regulatory agencies reduce the risk of iatrogenic patient harm.
Scott Masten, PhD
Vice President, Measurement Science & Performance Analytics
Hospital Quality Institute (HQI)
In his work for HQI, Dr. Masten focuses on improving health care data quality and reducing patient injury, including the development of both data intake and data analytics platforms. He does this by bringing over 20 years of applied research and data experience including teaching research methods and statistics courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Robert Moore, MD, MPH
Chief Medical Officer
Partnership HealthPlan of California
As the Chief Medical Officer for Partnership HealthPlan of California, Dr. Robert Moore is responsible for the appropriateness and quality of health care delivered through the PHC. He leads and oversees PHC’s team of medical directors and keeps staff and providers informed and up to date on changing health regulations and guidance.
Aimee Moulin, MD
Dr. Moulin is a Professor of Emergency Medicine and Division Chief of Addiction Medicine at UC Davis. She is co-Founder of the CA Bridge program a effort dedicated to expanding access to addiction treatment in California hospitals.
Karen Ochoa, CDP
With experience in place-based and human center design processes, Ms. Ochoa experience in community engagement and activisim around varying health and economic topics. She co-founded the L.A. Co-op Lab, a collective established in 2015 to explore and invent ways to build L.A.’s capacity for worker ownership as a pathway toward a more equitable and democratic economy.
Raj Ratwani, PhD
Dr. Ratwani has spent 10 years developing methods to improve the analysis and use of patient safety event reports and other safety data. This work has included development of algorithms, analysis of workflows, and interviews with reporters and analysts. Dr. Ratwani’s work has been funded by the Agency for Health Research and Quality, including numerous grants totaling over $5m.
Jehni Robinson, MD, FAAFP
Chair and Professor of Family Medicine
Keck School Medicine
Dr. Jehni Robinson is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Family Medicine at the Keck School of Medicine at USC. She also serves as Associate Dean for Primary Care. Dr. Robinson is president elect for USC Care Medical Group, a multispecialty group representing over 800 faculty clinicians practicing at Keck Medicine of USC.
Pelu Tran, BS
Ferrum Health
Pelu Tran is the Cofounder and CEO of Ferrum Health, an AI-powered peer review automation and monitoring solution that helps radiologists detect and correct errors before they affect patient care. He is a technology pioneer and expert contributor for the World Economic Forum and a Fellow of the UN World Summit on Innovation. He has studied both medicine and engineering at Stanford University.
Andrea Turner, JD, MBA, CNMT, ACHE
Chief Operating Officer
Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center
Dr. Turner is the Chief Operating Officer at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center. Her professional experience spans 22 years, and includes legal and clinical work in the human rights space, as well as addressing health care disparities within vulnerable populations. As an attorney working in health care, Dr. Turner is passionate about implementing practices that will remove barriers instituted through the lens of structural racism to include defenders of racism.
Michelle van Ryn, PhD, MPH
Distinguished Scientist and CEO
Institute for Equity & Inclusion Sciences
Dr. Michelle van Ryn is Founder, CEO, and Distinguished Scientist of Diversity Science, a public benefit corporation whose mission is to translate the best current evidence into practical and effective approaches for achieving true equity, and deep diversity and full inclusion. Her work has improved the national awareness of how providers contribute to disparities in patient care and has led to greater understanding of how improved health care encounters positively impact patient outcomes.
Kris White, RN, MBA
Aefina Partners
Kristine White is the Co-founder of Aefina Partners, an organization committed to healthcare transformation through thriving partnerships among healthcare leaders, physicians, team members, patients, and families. In her work, Kris understands that a cross-continuum focus is a must while acknowledging and developing new leadership competencies are required. Her approach recognizes and respects strengths, the contributions and successes of the past, and is committed to creating healthy environments for all.
We would like to thank the following exhibitors for their support of the 2022 HQI Annual Conference.
Emerald Sponsors:

Platinum Sponsor:

Poster Pavilion Sponsor:

Gold Sponsors:

Our parent company KERRY is a global leader in taste and nutrition. Its role is to deliver sustainable food and active nutrition technologies that nourish lives around the globe.

and dental health professionals and serves as the state’s building department for hospitals and skilled nursing facilities.
HCAI provides objective health care information as it collects and hosts trusted, publicly available data on healthcare
costs, health workforce capacity, healthcare facilities, and patient characteristics.

Congratulations to the Poster Presentation Showcase Winners!
- Barton Health — Managing A Disaster: The 2021 Caldor Fire
- Keck Medical Center of USC — Developing Hospital Patient Safety Indicator Dashboard using Tableau Visual Analytics
- Keck Medical Center of USC — Marvelous Quality Improvement and MD Engagement to Prevent Postoperative PE/DVT
- Keck Medical Center of USC — Moving the Titanic: Reducing Readmissions Utilizing an Optimizing Transitions of Care (OTC) Committee
- Keck Medical Center of USC — Stop the Bleeding: Frontline Engagement to Improve Transfusion Consents
- North American Partners in Anesthesia (NAPA) — Anesthesia Risk Alerts, an Effective Safety Intervention for High-Risk Patients
- North American Partners in Anesthesia (NAPA) —
- Shriners Children’s Northern California — Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTIs) in Burned Children in the ICU
- Shriners Children’s Northern California — Improving Parent Communication with Family Rounds in the Pediatric Critical Care Unit (PICU)
- UCLA — It Takes a Village: Pediatric Nurse Peer Case Review
For additional assistance contact CHA’s Education Department at education@calhospital.org.