Quality Quarterly

HQI Cares: Implementing BETA HEART Now Open for Enrollment

It’s official!  HQI and BETA Healthcare Group have come together to offer California hospitals an unprecedented opportunity to advance patient safety. We have launched HQI Cares: Implementing BETA HEART®, a comprehensive, multi-year program designed to lead hospitals toward developing a reliable, sustainable culture of patient safety and consistent, empathetic and transparent responses to adverse events.  While this cutting-edge program has already proven successful in BETA-member hospitals, our partnership with BETA now allows HQI to make the program available to the greater hospital community. 

Would you like: 

  • Your communication about harm to move away from the common mode of “delay, deny, and defend” and become proactive, empathic, and honest?  
  • Your event reporting to be immediate?  
  • Your review process to focus on human factors redesign instead of staff mistakes?  
  • Your caregiver experience to change from “suffering in isolation” to supporting your workforce through peer responders? 

If your answer to any of the above questions is YES, then HQI Cares: Implementing BETA HEART is for you!

The program is built around core issues of patient safety – communication, transparency, timeliness of response, caring for caregivers, and patient and family centeredness. Hospitals progress through five distinct program domains, which can be seen as mileposts on the journey to patient safety: Culture of Safety, Rapid Event Response and Analysis, Communication and Transparency, Care for the Caregiver, and Early Resolution After Harm.

Want more details? Check out a recorded informational webinar about the program.