Coming Soon: HQI Cares: Implementing BETA HEART
HQI is excited to announce a partnership with BETA Healthcare Group to offer California hospitals a proven, comprehensive program that will guide them toward unprecedented progress in patient safety.
HQI is excited to announce a partnership with BETA Healthcare Group to offer California hospitals a proven, comprehensive program that will guide them toward unprecedented progress in patient safety.
The 2021 wave of ransomware attacks has washed over every major business sector — including health care. Moreover, a Wall Street Journal article dated June 10 pointed out that one group of ransomware criminals is specifically targeting hospitals. This unfortunate reality strongly suggests that everyone in the CHA/HQI community should be working to avoid becoming a ransomware victim. This article will discuss high-priority items for organizations to pursue in that effort and identify some important strategies that sometimes get overlooked. Together, this information will hopefully help bolster your barriers against ransomware.
HQI’s Perinatal Mental Health (PMH) Learning Community, funded by the California Health Care Foundation, is continuing to provide vital programming and resources to more than 148 California hospitals, aligned with the requirements of Assembly Bill 3032 (Frazier).
It has often been referred to as the “silence of shame.” Mental health conditions, substance use, and workplace events have been documented as contributing antecedents to nurse suicides. When a nurse is at risk for losing or loses his/her license, the psychological impact can be devastating. The experience of isolation, feelings of failure, public humiliation, […]
HQI, in cooperation with the Patient Safety Movement Foundation and the California Hospital Association (CHA), creates and distributes quarterly dashboards of publicly available quality data for each CHA acute care member hospital. These model dashboards currently provide information on eight measures. The five outcome measures are: Central line-associated blood stream infection Colon surgical site infection Nulliparous, term, singleton, vertex Cesarean birth rate In-hospital sepsis mortality rate Hospital-wide all-cause 30-day unplanned readmission rate The three […]
Among all the patient safety reports that CHPSO receives from members, about 50% end up classified in the catch-all event type of “Other” rather than in a specific clinical or other meaningful event type category (e.g., healthcare-associated infection, fall, medication error, etc.). Sometimes the reports are categorized into the “Other” category because the facts of […]
At the Feb. 10 meeting, the HQI Board of Directors elected four new board members and extended the term for two members.
HQI, in cooperation with the Patient Safety Movement Foundation and the California Hospital Association (CHA), creates and distributes quarterly dashboards of publicly available quality data for each CHA acute care member hospital. These model dashboards currently provide information on eight measures.