Newsroom & Reports

Advancing Patient Safety Education Throughout the Year

Earlier this year, as we do each year, HQI and the Collaborative Healthcare Patient Safety Organization (CHPSO) celebrated Patient Safety Awareness Week — an annual recognition intended to encourage everyone to learn more about health care safety. It also serves as a dedicated time and platform for growing awareness about patient safety and recognizing the work […]

Hospital Quality Improvement Platform Updates

Use of HQI’s Hospital Quality Improvement Platform (HQIP) — a quality analytics system that consolidates disparate data sources into a single, statewide platform — continues to increase as more hospitals complete their contract reviews.  

Recent Medical Error Case Highlights Need for Understanding, Not Punishment

Ensuring and improving patient safety has always been of the utmost importance for hospitals.

That’s why every year in March we celebrate Patient Safety Awareness Week — an annual recognition intended to encourage everyone to learn more about health care safety. However, despite the continual focus on patient safety, medical errors do happen.

Best Practices in Substance Use Disorder Treatment in the ED

Over the past several decades, the United States has experienced a rising crisis in substance abuse. This is illustrated most dramatically by the rise in deaths from drug overdose.   According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention, the number of drug overdose deaths has quadrupled since 1999 [i]. More work needs to be […]

Telemedicine, Telehealth, and Virtual Care Throughout the Pandemic

It has been an unprecedented and taxing two years for front-line workers and patients alike.  Nearly one of three patients delayed in-person health care visits in 2020 due to access issues and/or fear of exposure to COVID-19. According to a national poll, 57% of Americans experienced negative health repercussions, including and up to premature death. In […]

Ask CHPSO: What Are the Benefits of Joining?

Several health care organizations have asked why they should join CHPSO instead of another federally listed patient safety organization. 

One reason is to obtain the federal protections for certain patient safety data. These protections facilitate broad sharing of patient safety information both within and across organizations, which speeds learning and facilitates the elimination of patient safety hazards. As part of this protection, members can collaborate with other hospitals and health care organizations, usually at a Safe Table meeting.  

Updated Quality Transparency Dashboards Now Available

HQI, in cooperation with the Patient Safety Movement Foundation and the CHA, creates and distributes quarterly dashboards of publicly available quality data for each CHA acute care member hospital. These model dashboards currently provide information on eight measures.  

Preview of the Third Sentinel Signal Detection Report

Sentinel signal detection systems automatically detect abnormal changes (i.e., signals) in the incidence of diagnosis codes from hospital discharge records in the Hospital Quality Improvement Platform (HQIP), as well as term frequencies from the Collaborative Healthcare Patient Safety Organization (CHPSO) safety reports.  

President's Messages

Read up-to-date messages from HQI's President

Quality Quarterly