Newsroom & Reports
Recruitment Continues for Hospital Quality Improvement Platform
Recruitment for HQI’s updated Hospital Quality Improvement Platform (HQIP) — a quality analytics system that consolidates disparate data sources into a single, statewide platform — is continuing, with an emphasis on reconnecting with those hospitals that had expressed interest prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Webinar Review: Barton Health Medication Reconciliation — Cultivating a Gold Standard
On June 7, attendees at the Collaborative Healthcare Patient Safety Organization’s (CHPSO) Safe Table had a chance to hear from Barton Health about medication reconciliation and its approach to this difficult process.
HQI White Paper on Workplace Violence
HQI is pleased to share a new white paper on hospital workplace violence.
Ask CHPSO: Do Hospitals Use Color-Coded Wristband Identification and, If So, What Colors Do They Use?
Recently, CHPSO received an inquiry about the use of color-coded patient wristbands in California hospitals. To assess whether there is a national movement toward standardized armband color adoption, CHPSO surveyed its more than 485 member hospitals across 21 states.
Register Now for Patient Safety Evaluation System Summit
The online Patient Safety Evaluation System (PSES) Summit, which will be held over two half-days, is set for May 9-10.
Updated Quality Transparency Dashboards Now Available
HQI, in cooperation with the Patient Safety Movement Foundation and the California Hospital Association (CHA), creates and distributes quarterly dashboards of publicly available quality data for each CHA acute care member hospital. These model dashboards currently provide information on eight measures, with over 90 total measures on the data tab.
Use of Hospital Quality Improvement Platform Jumps
Use of HQI’s updated Hospital Quality Improvement Platform (HQIP) — a quality analytics system that consolidates disparate data sources into a single, statewide platform — continues to increase as more hospitals complete their contract reviews.
HQI Cares: Implementing BETA HEART® Kicks Off Year Two
The second year of HQI Cares: Implementing BETA HEART® — a multi-year program to advance patient safety in partnership with BETA Healthcare Group and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) — is off to a good start with 32 hospitals participating.
Safe Table Presentation: Lessons Learned from an Alcohol Withdrawal Mortality Case
A well-done root cause analysis (RCA) can save lives, especially when it is shared at a CHPSO Safe Table so that many hospitals can benefit. At a Safe Table in February, a CHPSO member shared a situation involving the death of a patient who was admitted for chest pain, abdominal pain, and alcohol withdrawal.