One hospital’s journey toward building a Safety-First Culture and how Physician Peer Review came along for the ride!
Every hospital and healthcare system are somewhere on the path to becoming a High Reliability Organization. This long trip requires incredible humility, energy, and dedication to ensure the destination is reached! This presentation will describe one hospital’s journey from self-reflection to robust safety event management with a high level of staff and physician engagement.
Presentation topics include:
- Discuss the importance of an organization’s candid self-reflection in evaluating the commitment and level of engagement of the workforce in creating a safety-first culture.
- Describe the importance of identifying, classifying and triaging safety events to ensure immediate action is taken on the highest priority events to prevent further harm.
- Identify methods for analyzing safety events in a meaningful way that includes a multi-disciplinary approach, while respecting the workload of the healthcare leaders.
- Explore methods of increasing workforce engagement in the safety discussion through a variety of communication mediums.
- Discuss the challenges of increasing transparency while maintaining confidentiality of the patients and staff involved in safety events.
- Discuss how revising the approach to physician peer review can improve physician engagement in hospital-wide quality and process improvement.
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Thursday, April 6, 2023: 11 a.m.- noon (PT)

Barbara Todd RN, BSN, CPHQ
Clinical Effectiveness Consultant III
Quality Department
Sutter Health
Barbara Todd is a dedicated healthcare leader in Patient Safety and Quality at Sutter Roseville Medical Center in Roseville, CA. Barb was born, raised, and attended nursing school in Canada before being recruited by a California hospital over 30 years ago! Throughout her career, she spent many years working in Critical Care and the Emergency Department with experience as a staff nurse, emergency preparedness coordinator, pre-hospital care coordinator and clinical manager.
Safety and Quality have always been a passion of Barb’s which led her to the Quality Department approx 7 years ago. Every day is filled with rewarding work as she leads the Sutter Safe Care Program and manages the Physician Peer Review Program at SRMC.
HQI is an approved continuing education (CE) provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing and will provide CHPSO members an opportunity to earn CEs. Provider Number CEP16793 for 1.0 contact hour.
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