The operating room (OR) is a very complex, dynamic, and high-stakes environment that relies on contributions from team members from multiple disciplines. Over 200 million surgical procedures are performed globally each year, and despite awareness of adverse effects, surgical errors continue to occur at a high rate. Surgical errors account for a significant number of adverse events.
In a Jan. 11 webinar, OR nurse Dee Morris will discuss common causes and prevention techniques. She will also discuss tips for speaking up and how to engage staff.
Additionally, discussion will include variations in safety culture and how they should be addressed when implementing culture change programs in the perioperative setting.
At the conclusion of this presentation, the participant will be able to:
- Review errors that occur in the surgical environment
- Discuss preventive techniques
- Establish a culture of safety
Click here to register.
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023: 11 a.m.-noon (PT)

Dee Morris, MBA BSN RN
VP Performance Improvement, Perioperative Services
Prospect Medical Holdings
Dee, an OR nurse for 35 years, joined Prospect Medical Holdings four years ago. Partnering with facility OR leadership from across the organization, she identifies and implements local and system strategies to improve clinical care, ensure operational excellence and drive cost reduction strategies.
HQI is an approved continuing education (CE) provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing and will provide CHPSO members an opportunity to earn CEs. Provider Number CEP16793 for 1.0 contact hour.
Please contact CHPSO at if you have any questions.