Newsroom & Reports

A Window into Patient Safety: Underreporting of Near-Miss Events in CHPSOData

A “near miss” in health care is when an error or adverse event is narrowly avoided. Though often underreported and underrecognized, near misses are significant indicators of potential patient safety hazards. While exact statistics vary due to reporting practices and definitions, studies suggest that near misses are relatively common occurrences. So, here’s the million-dollar question: Why do health care organizations underreport these near occurrences, which could result in learnings that prevent patient harm?

Improvement Never Ends

Patient safety is the focus of what we all do. It involves a never-ending process of learning, understanding, and improving. At HQI, our goal is to support the dedicated people who are on the front lines of patient safety with valuable information to help them do their jobs better and open the door to new ideas in the world of health care.  

Q4 2023 Hospital Out-Patient Signal Detection Report

About HQI’s Sentinel Signal Detection System Report HQI’s sentinel signal detection system automatically detects abnormal changes (i.e., signals) in the incidence of diagnosis categories from hospital encounter records in the Hospital Quality Improvement Platform (HQIP). Every quarter, HQI aggregates these signals across reporting hospitals to provide a statewide perspective. In the Q4 2023 Signal Detection Report, […]

A Strong Year and More to Come

In this final month of the year, and as we look toward 2024, we at HQI have been taking some time to reflect on the work we’ve been able to accomplish alongside hospital leaders throughout California and beyond.  

New Opportunities Available in 2024 to Mitigate Workplace Violence

The safety and well-being of the health care workforce are fundamental preconditions to deliver safe and effective patient care. Workplace violence — a growing problem in California hospitals — jeopardizes both workforce wellness and the quality of care, and HQI is committed to helping hospitals address it. 

Hospitals Have Opportunities to Protect Patients Receiving Hospice Care 

Hospice care organizations provide services for the most vulnerable among us — those who are terminally ill and often wholly dependent on family or caregivers. Regrettably, among vulnerable populations, there is a concern about exploitation. The popular 2020 Netflix film “I Care a Lot” delves into a fictional narrative, unveiling fraudulent health care schemes targeting elderly, vulnerable patients. While fiction, it serves as a thought-provoking glimpse into the real hazards and fears patients may encounter in their pursuit of quality health care. 

President's Messages

Read up-to-date messages from HQI's President

Quality Quarterly