Newsroom & Reports

New Opportunities Available in 2024 to Mitigate Workplace Violence

The safety and well-being of the health care workforce are fundamental preconditions to deliver safe and effective patient care. Workplace violence — a growing problem in California hospitals — jeopardizes both workforce wellness and the quality of care, and HQI is committed to helping hospitals address it. 

Hospitals Have Opportunities to Protect Patients Receiving Hospice Care 

Hospice care organizations provide services for the most vulnerable among us — those who are terminally ill and often wholly dependent on family or caregivers. Regrettably, among vulnerable populations, there is a concern about exploitation. The popular 2020 Netflix film “I Care a Lot” delves into a fictional narrative, unveiling fraudulent health care schemes targeting elderly, vulnerable patients. While fiction, it serves as a thought-provoking glimpse into the real hazards and fears patients may encounter in their pursuit of quality health care. 

Q2 2023 Hospital Inpatient and Outpatient Encounters Signal Detection Report

About HQI’s Sentinel Signal Detection System Report HQI’s sentinel signal detection system automatically detects abnormal changes (i.e., signals) in the incidence of diagnosis categories from hospital discharge records in the Hospital Quality Improvement Platform (HQIP). HQIP provides hospital leaders with the capability to review the latest signals for their organization each quarter. In this report, these […]

ALERT: Data Show Increased Whooping Cough Prevalence in California

What’s Happening HQI, through its Sentinel Signal Detection System, has identified an increase in pertussis (whooping cough) prevalence at California hospitals since the start of the second quarter of 2023. Specifically, of the 88 California hospitals that provided 2023 Q2 hospital encounter data to HQI, 20 (22.7%) had higher than expected prevalence of pertussis cases […]

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