Newsroom & Reports
Q2 2023 Hospital Inpatient and Outpatient Encounters Signal Detection Report
About HQI’s Sentinel Signal Detection System Report HQI’s sentinel signal detection system automatically detects abnormal changes (i.e., signals) in the incidence of diagnosis categories from hospital discharge records in the Hospital Quality Improvement Platform (HQIP). HQIP provides hospital leaders with the capability to review the latest signals for their organization each quarter. In this report, these […]
ALERT: Data Show Increased Whooping Cough Prevalence in California
What’s Happening HQI, through its Sentinel Signal Detection System, has identified an increase in pertussis (whooping cough) prevalence at California hospitals since the start of the second quarter of 2023. Specifically, of the 88 California hospitals that provided 2023 Q2 hospital encounter data to HQI, 20 (22.7%) had higher than expected prevalence of pertussis cases […]
2022 CHPSO Annual Report Now Available
In case you missed it, HQI recently released the 2022 CHPSO Annual Report. This report provides a look at HQI’s most significant work on your behalf.
Recruitment Jumps for Hospital Quality Improvement Platform
Recruitment for HQI’s updated Hospital Quality Improvement Platform (HQIP) — a quality analytics system that consolidates disparate data sources into a single, statewide platform — jumped this quarter due to ongoing collaborations with Local Health Plans of California.
Unlocking the Power of Patient Safety: The Benefits of Reporting Data to CHPSO
In the ever-evolving landscape of health care, ensuring the safety of patients remains a paramount concern. Health care organizations are continually striving to enhance patient care and reduce adverse events. Reporting data to patient safety organizations like the Collaborative Healthcare Patient Safety Organization (CHPSO) is a crucial tool in this pursuit.
HQI Convenes Regional Summit on Hospital Workplace Violence
On Sept. 13, the HQI convened a group of over 30 hospital leaders in Sacramento for a gathering dedicated to preventing and responding to workplace violence. The event, Hospital Workplace Violence Regional Leadership Summit, followed the release of HQI’s white paper on workplace violence earlier this year.
Medication and Equipment Shortages During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic posed unprecedented challenges to health care systems worldwide, with medication and equipment shortages emerging as critical issues. To gain insights into how health care organizations navigated these shortages and their impact on patient treatment, CHPSO conducted analyses, drawing from patient safety event records.
Kamali Jones is HQI’s New Safety & Reliability Clinical Advisor
Kamali Jones has joined HQI as a safety & reliability clinical advisor. Kam is an RN and comes to HQI from Adventist Health, where he served as a clinical education manager for the past five years. In his role at HQI, Kam will take the lead on member outreach and education, as well as assist […]
HQI Cares Offering Complimentary Patient Safety Gap Analysis
While 32 hospitals are already successfully participating in HQI Cares: Implementing BETA HEART®, HQI would like to encourage a wider field to benefit from this remarkable program.