Hospitals Advancing Equity in Perinatal Care – CHPSO Safe Table Forum

August 10, 2022 | 3:00 - 11:00AM PT

Despite California’s recent improvements in perinatal care and outcomes, Black mothers / birthing people are still multiple times more likely to die from pregnancy/birth-related causes and twice as likely to suffer a maternal morbidity (such as hemorrhage and infection) than those in other racial/ethnic groups. Hospitals are naturally called upon to help address these disparities, and many have heeded this call. 

In this Safe Table, we will hear from three California hospitals about their efforts to boost equity in maternal care. In addition, leaders from California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative (CMQCC) will highlight how, through their Maternal Data Center, hospitals can access their maternal care performance data stratified by race, ethnicity, and language – a prerequisite for improvement action.

Safe tables are open to all CHPSO members. Click here to see if your hospital is a CHPSO member.

Hospitals Advancing Equity in Perinatal Care

Wednesday, August 10, 2022: 11 a.m.- noon (PT)

Safe Table discussions are designed to empower providers to engage in robust, meaningful patient safety and quality improvement activities. These discussions are driven by attendee participation. Attendees may choose to present a case or simply participate in the discussion by sharing their thoughts, feedback, and suggestions. Attendees wishing to share a case should indicate this during registration and a member of the CHPSO team will reach out to you to assist you with case preparation. Sharing cases spontaneously during the meeting is also encouraged, time permitting. Attendees may present with or without slides. The cases may be brief, three to five minutes, or longer if the complexity of the issue warrants additional time. Cases generally involve a situation in which there are systematic concerns or those for which the organization may be looking for ways to address the matter or obtain advice.

For the 2022 CHPSO safe table schedule, please click here.

At the conclusion of the safe table meeting, participants will be able to:

  • Describe information about best practices relative to patient safety
  • Discuss challenges in a frank, open discussion with other hospitals
  • Describe lessons learned from other organizations as it could relate to the work in the participant’s hospital

HQI is an approved continuing education (CE) provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing and will provide CHPSO members an opportunity to earn CEs. Provider Number CEP16793 for 1.0 contact hour.

Please contact CHPSO at if you have any questions.