A prerequisite for universally high quality, equitable care is understanding and addressing how societal/structural inequities affect quality and patient safety in clinical encounters. Yet the ways in which these inequities can permeate and undermine patient care are not always apparent to health care staff and providers.
In Part I of this series, The Impact of Bias on Quality and Patient Safety, participants learned about the contribution of staff/providers’ implicit biases to inequities in quality of care, along with specific evidence-based strategies for preventing biases.
This webinar will further equip participants with knowledge and strategies for preventing another set of potentially invisible yet significant barriers to quality and safety of care. Specifically, participants will learn about the nature and impact of social identity threat and racial trauma, and become equipped with evidence-based strategies for preventing them. Understanding and preventing the deleterious impact of these often overlooked but powerful manifestations of structural inequities is a necessary component of an effective, comprehensive approach to eliminating inequities in health care.
Click here for recording.

Michelle van Ryn, PhD, MPH, LMFT
Diversity Science / Institute for Equity & Inclusion Sciences
Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine
Dr. Michelle van Ryn is Founder, CEO, and Lead Scientist of Diversity Science, a public benefit corporation whose mission is to translate the best current evidence into practical and effective approaches for achieving true equity, and deep diversity and full inclusion. She has recently retired from holding the Grace Phelps Distinguished Professorship at the Oregon Health and Sciences University. Previously, she was director of the Research Program on Equity & Inclusion in Healthcare at Mayo Clinic and at the University of Minnesota Medical School. Dr. van Ryn’s research focuses primarily on the way “invisible actors,” such as informal organization norms/diversity climate, implicit (unconscious) biases, inter-group anxiety, and stereotype threat affect social interaction processes and decision-making. Her work has improved the national awareness of how providers contribute to disparities in patient care and has led to greater understanding of how improved health care encounters positively impact patient outcomes. She has provided evidence-driven training to dozens of organizations, has been invited to give over 75 presentations on her research, both nationally and abroad, and she has authored over 125 journal articles, abstracts, and other written publications.
HQI is an approved continuing education (CE) provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing and will provide CHPSO members an opportunity to earn CEs. Provider Number CEP16793 for 1.0 contact hour.
Please contact CHPSO at info@chpso.org if you have any questions.