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Webinar Recordings Available from Patient Safety Awareness Week

The Collaborative Healthcare Patient Safety Organization  (CHPSO) and the Hospital Quality Institute (HQI) celebrated Patient Safety Awareness Week with a series of very well attended and highly informative webinars. Many organizations took advantage of these educational offerings as opportunities to bring multidisciplinary teams together to learn more about these important patient safety and quality improvement topics. If you missed these sessions, we encourage you to take advantage of the recordings and associated materials. Here are recaps of each of the five webinars:

133 Hospitals Join HQI’s New Perinatal Mental Health Learning Community

Postpartum depression and other perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are the most common complication of childbirth, affecting approximately one in five birthing women, with prevalence rates even higher in low-income communities and communities of color.  Unfortunately, few women are diagnosed and even fewer receive treatment.   

Members Encouraged to Join Legal Counsel Discussion Group Calls

 As one of the many complementary services offered to members, CHPSO hosts a regularly scheduled Legal Counsel Discussion Group Call designed to support an ongoing exploration of the legal privileges and challenges of the Patient Safety & Quality Improvement Act of 2005 (PSQIA). These calls, which are typically held quarterly, are designed to assist our members and […]

Lessons Learned: Retained Surgical Items

About twice a month, CHPSO hosts a Safe Table forum focused on a specific clinical topic. These members-only forums are designed to empower providers to engage in robust, meaningful patient safety and quality improvement activities.  The group explores situations in which there are systematic concerns or issues that member organizations have encountered and the opportunity […]

Helping Hospitals Address Implicit Bias in Maternity Care

While California hospitals have made strides in improving overall maternity care, we continue to witness strong racial disparities in maternal mortality and morbidity in our state — as in the rest of the nation. Disparities persist even after accounting for age, income, education, health insurance status, and other socio-economic attributes, and evidence points to implicit bias and racism as major factors in these inequities.   

Even Heroes Need Help

For the women and men on the front lines of healing those afflicted with coronavirus, the past several weeks have tested not only their clinical skills, but also their physical limits and their emotional fortitude. 

And with many more weeks, possibly months, before they can exhale again, they need all the help they can get — now.