Newsroom & Reports

Latest Quality Transparency Dashboards Released in June

HQI, in cooperation with the Patient Safety Movement Foundation and the California Hospital Association (CHA), creates and distributes quarterly dashboards of publicly available quality data for each CHA acute care member hospital. These model dashboards currently provide information on eight measures.  The five outcome measures are:   Central line-associated blood stream infection   Colon surgical site infection   Nulliparous, term, singleton, vertex Cesarean birth rate    In-hospital sepsis mortality rate     Hospital-wide all-cause 30-day unplanned readmission rate    The three […]

HQI President’s Message

For the past year, while much of the state has been locked down — working remotely and enjoying perhaps a slower pace of life — it’s been quite the opposite for our front-line health care workers. They stepped up, answered the call, working round the clock to care for patients, both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19.    Through countless hand washings and gown changes, they had […]

Lessons Learned: Delayed Care — The Harmful Impact of COVID-19 on Health Care

As we wrap up a pandemic year and work through2021 with COVID-19 still at large, the arrival of the vaccine leaves most of us cautiously optimistic at best. While there is light on the horizon, many are still, and will continue to be impacted by delays in care during this epic time. HQI kicked off its first Safe Table of the year with this topic.  In January, we were privileged to host […]

Latest Updates on Hospital Quality Improvement Platform

Here’s what’s new with the Hospital Quality Improvement Platform. New incentive to participate: Hospitals that are part of Inland Empire Health Plan can qualify for a financial incentive for participating in the platform as part of their Hospital P4P Program.  New reports in the queue  A new series of reports on Social Determinants of Health that explore hospital Z-code usage are expected to be available in the platform by the end of […]

Delayed Care — The Harmful Impact of COVID-19 on Health Care

As we wrap up a pandemic year and work through2021 with COVID-19 still at large, the arrival of the vaccine leaves most of us cautiously optimistic at best. While there is light on the horizon, many are still, and will continue to be impacted by delays in care during this epic time. HQI kicked off its first Safe Table of the year with this topic.  In January, we were privileged to host […]

Sentinel Signal Detection System Looks at Trends in Care

This month, HQI is launching its first report of findings from the sentinel signal detection system, which automatically detects abnormal changes (i.e., signals) in the incidence of diagnosis codes from hospital discharge records in the Hospital Quality Improvement Platform, as well as term frequencies from the Collaborative Healthcare Patient Safety Organization safety reports.   Here’s a […]

President's Messages

Read up-to-date messages from HQI's President

Quality Quarterly