Signal Detection Report

August 2021 CHPSO and HQIP Signal Detection Report

This is the second report from HQI’s sentinel signal detection systems. The top alerts for HQIP (July-November 2020) and CHPSO (October-December 2020) are as follows: To dive deeper into the HQIP and CHPSO signals driving these top alerts, read the full report below. More details on the methodology used in the signal detection systems and prior reports […]

Preview of the Third Sentinel Signal Detection Report

Sentinel signal detection systems automatically detect abnormal changes (i.e., signals) in the incidence of diagnosis codes from hospital discharge records in the Hospital Quality Improvement Platform (HQIP), as well as term frequencies from the Collaborative Healthcare Patient Safety Organization (CHPSO) safety reports.  

Sentinel Signal Detection System Looks at Trends in Care

This month, HQI is launching its first report of findings from the sentinel signal detection system, which automatically detects abnormal changes (i.e., signals) in the incidence of diagnosis codes from hospital discharge records in the Hospital Quality Improvement Platform, as well as term frequencies from the Collaborative Healthcare Patient Safety Organization safety reports.   Here’s a […]

Sentinel Signal Detection System Looks at Trends in Care

This month, HQI is launching its first report of findings from the sentinel signal detection system, which automatically detects abnormal changes (i.e., signals) in the incidence of diagnosis codes from hospital discharge records in the Hospital Quality Improvement Platform, as well as term frequencies from the Collaborative Healthcare Patient Safety Organization safety reports.  

Newly Developed Signal Detection Systems Benefit HQI and CHPSO Members

Every quarter, HQI receives a large volume of discharge records (as part of the Hospital Quality Improvement Platform) and safety reports (as part of the Collaborative Healthcare Patient Safety Organization, or CHPSO) from hospitals.   To make use of this timely data, we designed and implemented sentinel signal detection systems that automatically detect abnormal changes in the incidence of diagnosis codes and terms’ document frequencies (i.e., signals).  Moving forward, when these systems detect sudden increases in disease incidence or document frequency, HQI/CHPSO staff will investigate and alert member hospitals of these emerging […]